Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Letter to Party Leaders

Posted below is a copy of the letter I sent to the 3 Political Party Leaders in Nova Scotia, Premier Rodney MacDonald, Liberal Leader Stephen McNeil and NDP Leader Darrel Dexter (Letter to NDP posted below). All 3 letters are identical save for the addressed party information.

I have already recieved a response from the NDP and when talking to the PC & Liberals they just recieved theirs today in the mail, so in fairness I will start post the responses tomorrow and then as they come in.

Friends of Transition Houses Network
We believe that women &
children need a safe haven
~ Love Shouldn’t Hurt ~

Mr. Darrel
Leader of the Nova Scotia NDP Party
Nova Scotia NDP
1006-1660 Hollis Street
Halifax, NS B3J 1V7

May 21,

Dear Mr. Dexter,

Can you imagine being too afraid
to go home? That’s the reality many Nova Scotian women and children face every
year. Nova Scotia’s transition houses have been there for them as a safe haven.
Now those safe havens are in danger.

Like any home,
transition houses need to be kept warm in winter. Their kitchens need food.
People need to get to work and school. The cost of all these things has gone up
dramatically over the past 10 years. But funding for transition houses has not
kept pace. In fact, operating budgets have been frozen for over 10

In addition, tough economic times mean fewer donations.
People simply have less to give. Yet, even the Department of Community Services
says these tough times mean more people will turn to transition

These safe havens have struggled valiantly to maintain
their services in the face of dwindling resources. Volunteers have come to their
aid many times. It is no longer enough.

We need more
than volunteers, boards and staff to keep these houses open. We need
you. Stand up against violence against women and children in Nova
Scotia. Make a commitment to stable funding for transition

We know you support the programs and services transition
houses offer Nova Scotians in need. Now, we need and expect more – a public
commitment from you and the NDP party to increase the operating budgets of
transition houses.

We urge you to sign the attached pledge on
behalf of yourself and your party and send it back to the below

I look forward to a speedy response from the Nova Scotia
NDP on this significant issue.


Lori Walton,
Friends of Transition Houses


I Darrel Dexter, Leader of the NDP pledge on behalf of my
party, when we are the government, we will increase the operating budgets of
Nova Scotia transition houses to reflect the current cost of goods and
services. On behalf of the NDP, I also make a commitment to provide
ongoing stable funding, tied to the rate of inflation at a minimum, for
transition houses in Nova Scotia.

Please sign: Darrel Dexter
on behalf of the Nova Scotia NDP


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